What's Love Got to Do with Insurance? EVERYTHING!

What's Love Got to Do with Insurance? EVERYTHING!

Message from the President & Chairperson

We’re starting 2023 with love in our hearts and minds as we roll out the Insure Your Love campaign for Life and DI. This January and February, we are reminded about the people who matter the most. We buy insurance coverage because we love our families. Whether it’s life insurance or disability income insurance (DI), we show our love by insuring it. So, when asked, “What’s love got to do with insurance?” we say, “Everything!”

We’ve created new opportunities for agents to provide additional coverage for clients and earn incentives along the way. We’ve also greatly expanded our range of occupations eligible for DI coverage, along with plan designs to accommodate a wider variety of prospects.

I would encourage all agents to take the opportunity to get to know your clients better this year, so you can truly understand their full financial picture. Ask questions, listen, and learn what they need and what their specific needs are. When you take time to prepare your clients with realistic expectations, they will appreciate you and trust you with their insurance needs.

Let us help you open the door to these conversations and spread the love when it comes to financial planning and protection. We’re here to help you every step of the way!

image of Katie McCord Jenkins' signature

Katie M. Jenkins
President & Chairperson

portrait photo of Katie McCord Jenkins

Life + Income Protection = Love

With this year’s Insure Your Love* campaign expanded to both January and February for DI and Life, you have more sales and incentive opportunities, including a bonus for every qualified application. Love comes in many forms, but one of the greatest gifts anyone can give to their loved ones is financial security. So, ask yourself: What’s love got to do with insurance? The answer is always EVERYTHING!

Show your clients how they can help safeguard their loved ones with life insurance and income protection—the cornerstones of a solid financial plan for families.

We’ve created planning guides (A5716 Life & A9727 DI) for agents to start the conversation with customers about protecting their loved ones with life insurance and DI.

Log in to the Agent Forum at Agent.IllinoisMutual.com and visit the Resource Library to download and order complimentary Insure Your Love sales tools today!

image of  our Insure Your Love Planning Guide Life


image of  our Insure Your Love Planning Guide DI


*Insure Your Love is an industrywide event coordinated by Life Happens. Illinois Mutual is a member of Life Happens.

a line of hearts mom and daughter baking together

Check Out Our Insure Your Love Bonus Opportunity!

Contact your Life or DI sales team for details and eligibility requirements.

Increase Your Commissions and Expand Your Reach

Think differently about our individual disability income insurance (DI) solutions for your professional prospects and clients, and reimagine how you present these solutions. Agent Doug Shellabarger offers insights for tapping into your network for referrals, such as CPAs and real estate professionals, who are centers of influence and can recommend DI to their clients.

We have plan designs to meet a wide range of occupations, such as office professionals, nurses and IT consultants.

Below are some plan designs that would likely fall in the “1% to 3% of income” sweet spot for this market:

90-day Elimination Period, To Age 67 Benefit Period, $5,000 or less Monthly Benefit (within non-med limits)

Add Optional Riders:

  • Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Rider
  • Guaranteed Insurability Option (GIO) Rider
  • To Age 67 Own Occupation Extension Rider
  • Residual Disability Benefit Rider
90-day Elimination Period, 5-year Benefit Period, $5,000 or less Monthly Benefit (within non-med limits)

Add Optional Riders:

  • Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Rider
  • Guaranteed Insurability Option (GIO) Rider
  • Five Year Own Occupation Extension Rider
  • Residual Disability Benefit Rider
  • Return of Premium (ROP) Rider

Ask our DI Sales team today for more details and to get a quote for your clients.

(800) 437-7355, ext. 775 • [email protected]

"Here’s the key. Everything about this business is to have warm referrals. We want to have that relationship where there’s already a connection."
Agent Doug Shellabarger

Illinois Mutual agent Doug

Policy Form DI105, Disability Income Policy; Policy Form 9257, Five Year Own Occupation Extension Rider; Policy Form 9259, Activities of Daily Living Rider; Policy Form 9261, Residual Disability Benefit Rider; Policy Form 9266, Return of Premium Rider; Policy Form 9267, Guaranteed Insurability Option Rider

Not available in AK, CA, DC, HI or NY. Coverage and availability may vary in other states.

For policy costs and details of coverage, limitations, exclusions and terms, contact Illinois Mutual.

If any discrepancies exist between this communication and the policy, the terms of the policy will control.

Shielding Loved Ones from Financial Burden

Illinois Mutual is once again celebrating Insure Your Love, an industrywide awareness campaign promoting the importance and power of proper insurance planning. When we look at what drives most life insurance purchases, we inevitably find the answer is LOVE and the protection of our loved ones’ financial futures.

Unfortunately, many families experience financial hardship after the death of a loved one, when coverage for unexpected final expenses is not planned for in advance.

With Simplified Issue Whole Life (SIWL) from Illinois Mutual, your clients can easily apply for a simple and effective plan that can provide a death benefit to help beneficiaries pay for:

  • Funeral costs
  • Medical bills
  • Probate expenses
  • Outstanding debts

SIWL policy benefits may also be used to help:

  • Support a grandchild’s college education.
  • Provide income to surviving loved ones.
  • Arrange for a charitable gift.
  • Create an endowment fund for a church or non-profit organization
couple outside doing yard work together

Ask our Life Sales team if you are eligible for our Insure Your Love bonus opportunity!

We have created marketing materials, ranging from planning guides and social media calendars to stuffers and pre-approach letters/emails, to help you deliver the Insure Your Love message to your clients.

Log in to the Agent Forum at Agent.IllinoisMutual.com and visit the Resource Library to download and order complimentary SIWL and Insure Your Love sales tools today!

Insure Your Love logo

Contact your Life sales team for more information!

(800) 437-7355, ext. 775 • [email protected]

Policy Form LWL18NI, Whole Life Insurance Policy; Policy Form LSPWL18NI, Single Premium Whole Life Insurance Policy

Not available in AK, DC, HI, MT or NY. Coverage and availability may vary in other states.

For policy costs and details of coverage, limitations, exclusions and terms, contact Illinois Mutual.

If any discrepancies exist between this communication and the policy, the terms of the policy will control.

Have You Considered BE for Your Worksite Clients?

As an agent, you might see worksite products as very different from individual products. However, most clients tend to see just insurance.

When you’re talking about worksite voluntary benefits with an employer client, take the opportunity to help protect their business, as well. Business expense insurance (BE) reimburses business owners for eligible fixed business expenses should they experience an income-interrupting disability.

Clients often appreciate agents considering their full financial picture, so talk through a full needs analysis for worksite and BE by getting to know their life, their family, their work and what they can afford.

a man in the work place holding on to paper work

Plus, Show This Unique Value-Add


Currently, Illinois Mutual is the only insurance carrier offering business owners a Return of Premium (ROP) Rider for BE. With BE + ROP, clients can rest easy knowing their business is protected if they need it, and they will receive 100% of eligible premiums* back at the end of the policy (minus any benefits paid).

group of employees talking

Talk to your Worksite sales team about strategies for cross selling individual products when meeting with business owners.

(800) 437-7355, ext. 775 • [email protected]

*Available at an additional cost. The Return of Premium Rider returns 100% of premiums paid, less any benefits received, when the insured reaches ages 65 to 67. Beginning with the fifth policy year, the policyowner is eligible to receive a portion of the premiums paid, less any benefits received. The policy ends after the return of premium is paid and may not be reinstated.

Policy Form DI105, Disability Income Policy; Policy Form BE105, Business Expense Policy; Policy Form 9266, Return of Premium Rider

Not available in AK, CA, DC, HI or NY. Coverage and availability may vary in other states.

For policy costs and details of coverage, limitations, exclusions and terms, contact Illinois Mutual.

Compliance Corner

Submit Advertising Materials for Approval

Many marketing tools are available to you at no charge on the Agent Forum, and we encourage you to use them! However, we realize that sometimes you may wish to create custom materials. We can support those efforts, too.

Please remember as you develop your advertising campaign that any sales material not originating from Illinois Mutual that promotes Illinois Mutual or our products and services, or that uses our logo, must be submitted in writing to our Marketing, Communication and Research Department (MCR) for review and approval prior to publication and distribution. This applies to advertising of all types — including but not limited to print publications, TV and radio, websites, social media and direct mail. We will strive to meet your deadlines. Approved advertising may be used for two years, unless we notify you otherwise.

This review and approval process benefits us both and ensures that pieces comply with laws requiring that insurance products be described fairly and accurately. Unapproved use of the Illinois Mutual name or logo could result in termination of your agent agreement. Some violations could result in personal liability and loss of your insurance license. We recommend that you familiarize yourself with your state’s advertising regulations.

For more information about Illinois Mutual’s advertising review process, please contact our Marketing, Communication and Research (MCR) department at

[email protected]

Expense Allocation Method for Life Illustrations


At Illinois Mutual, one of the tools available to help agents explain our products and comply with state illustration regulations is our illustration software. You can use it to run illustrations to be signed by you and your client which are then submitted to Illinois Mutual, along with the application. The expense allocation method Illinois Mutual uses in its life insurance illustrations is the Generally Recognized Expense Table (GRET).

Our illustration software works best on Microsoft Edge and Google Chrome browsers and is accessible in the Agent Forum on our website at Agent.IllinoisMutual.com For more information, contact our Life sales team at (800) 437-7355, ext. 775 or [email protected].

image of a computer monitor



Mutual Updates

Register Now:
SIWL Product Training Webinars

Learn how you can offer your clients a simple and effective SIWL plan that can help ensure their surviving loved ones aren’t financially burdened by expenses related to their death.

To join a training webinar, please go to: www.lllinoisMutual.com/Webinars

or contact our sales team for more information.

Higher Commissions are Within Sight: Look at Your Network!

Agent Doug Shellabarger makes the case to leverage relationships within your professional network to open more doors and increase commissions.

To hear more about how he does this, visit:


Quarterly Incentives Available

Ask our sales team how you can qualify for an extra bonus with quarterly incentives for selling Life, DI and Worksite!

money falling

(800) 437-7355, ext. 775 for Life and DI, ext. 782 for Worksite

DI and BE are the Perfect Pair

Small business owners benefit the most when they have individual DI and BE to help keep their business’ and family’s financial needs covered if they become disabled and can’t work. Learn how to talk to small business owners about individual DI and BE by showing them this video and talking through their specific needs.

Illustrated thumbnail of DI and BE Insurance for Small Business Owners video.