Caring for Yourself Also Means Caring for Your Finances

Everyone tells you not to forget to care for yourself in the midst of everything else in life you’re taking care of. You know you should get your annual physical. You know you should allow yourself a mental health break or to pamper yourself on occasion. Do you remember to care for your finances too?

Today, choose a moment to focus on just yourself. It’s not selfish; it’s restorative—and in more ways than one.

running stretching on a boardwalk by the shore

7 Reminders for Taking Care of Every Side of You:

  1. Find happiness in the everyday.

    The sound of summer’s cicadas, the feel of autumn’s crisp air on your cheeks, the smell of fresh coffee brewing in the morning, the taste of dark chocolate, a glimpse of a baby’s smile… Every single day has moments of immense pleasure if you choose to pay attention.

  2. Take care of your body.

    You don’t need to be triathlon-ready or have abs of steel to be fit. The more you move, the easier moving will be. The stronger your body, the more prepared you will be for any challenge you might face. Opt for the stairs, take that post-dinner stroll through your neighborhood, treat your children as medicine balls, or, sure, take that boot camp session at your gym.

  3. Know the food you’re consuming, and choose it wisely.

    If you are what you eat, would you rather be a chemical that you don’t know the origin of, or a more natural choice? Reading and understanding the labels of your food ensures that you put quality food into your body. Eat up, but do so thoughtfully.

  4. Allow time for comradery.

    Time spent talking and time spent listening are two sides to a blissful equation. Friends and loved ones lower your stress levels, add fun and spark laughter into your everyday. Sometimes you neglect those you love the most when you feel busy, but it’s time to cherish the special people in your life.

  5. Get enough sleep.

    These restorative hours are good for your brain and your body. Staying up late doing work or binge-watching your favorite show might have effects you aren’t counting on.

  6. Prep your finances for every scenario.

    Establishing a spending budget and a savings plan can add financial stability to your present, but life is full of the unexpected. Disability insurance enables your financial stability to continue if injury or illness strikes, and Life Insurance allows for a more secure financial path for your family if the worst were to happen.

  7. Ensure a secure retirement.

    Take advantage of retirement benefits available through your employer. Educate yourself about personal retirement accounts such as IRAs and Roth IRAs. Learn what Social Security Benefits mean for you. There is a lot to consider when looking ahead to your future, but the sooner you start, the stronger you will be. A trusted financial advisor can be a powerful partner in this process.

Taking time to focus on yourself sometimes feels like a luxury, but you should treat it as a necessity. Physical, mental, and financial health don’t take hours upon hours to maintain. Often, they just take the initiative. It’s time to get started.