For Parents, It's Simply a Must Have

One of the most important things you need to do as your family grows and changes is review your disability and life insurance plan.

young father with two daughters

Kids grow up so fast. Whether you're a new parent, an experienced parent or about to become one through birth, adoption or foster care, no amount of planning can prepare you for what lies ahead. Children and grandchildren are one of the most wonderful experiences in life. They look up to you and count on you for love, security, guidance and everything they need. As they grow from infancy to adolescence to adulthood, you want to protect them. One of the most important things you need to do as you family grows and changes is review your disability and life insurance plan.

Disability Insurance

Diapers. Toys. School bags. Soccer games. Graduation caps. Car keys. No matter what stage in life they're in, kids need a lot of things. Without an income, you wouldn't have the ability to provide such things for your children, let alone maintain the standard of living your family has grown accustomed to. That's why your income is one of your most valuable assets. The loss of income can mean a drastic change in lifestyle. Without a paycheck, how would you provide for your children? A disability insurance plan can help ensure your children will have what they need.

Life Insurance

An addition to your family will generally increase your need for insurance, due to increased expenses and potential changes in your financial goals and priorities. Likewise, if you already have life insurance, the birth or adoption of a child or grandchild is a good time to review your coverage. As a parent, you want to ensure your children's financial security and protection. Whether you're looking to fund a college education or protect your family in case you die prematurely, you can safeguard your children’s future with the right life insurance plan.