The M.U.G.® Plan

How would your life and financial plans change if you couldn’t work to earn your income?

While some monthly expenses can be reduced or eliminated during times of financial stress, generally, M.U.G.® expenses* - that is your mortgage, utilities and groceries - must be paid.


Simply add up how much you pay for these basic monthly expenses.

This gives you a good starting point for figuring out how much disability income insurance (DI) you might need if you become sick or hurt and totally disabled. Consider factoring in car payments, childcare costs, credit card debt and other monthly expenses.

But, what if you never need to use your policy?

The Return of Premium Rider* (ROP) provides income protection if you need it and money back if you don’t.

Illinois Mutual has returned over $218 million to policyowners with return of premium since 1972!

As of 6/30/24

*From ages 65 to 67, the policyowner is eligible to receive a refund of 100% of policy premiums paid, less any benefits received. Beginning with the fifth policy year, the policyowner is eligible to receive a portion of the premiums paid, less any benefits received. The policy ends after the return of premium is paid and may not be reinstated.

Learn more about Disability Income Insurance

thumbnail of an illustrated calculator and the phrase DI needs calculator
DI Needs Calculator
animation thumbnail of icons from the video and the video title 4 disability insurance myths
4 Disability Insurance Myths
father and daughter small business owners standing together in their store
See how DI, BE and ROP can help small business owners like you.