Advertising on LinkedIn

Advertising on LinkedIn

Only company pages may create LinkedIn ads – users with only a LinkedIn profile are not able to create ads.

LinkedIn offers companies three types of ads: Sponsored Content, Message Ads, and Text Ads. These ads are all created and managed through LinkedIn’s Campaign Manager.

Sponsored content

Appears in users’ LinkedIn feeds as an image, multiple images, or a video.

Message ads

Sends targeted messages directly to contacts on LinkedIn.

Text ads

Desktop-only ads that appear on the sidebar and include a headline, small image, and short description.


We encourage experienced users to take a look at LinkedIn’s Marketing Success Hub. Here you can access a lot more in-depth information about creating ads, building a brand, targeting audiences and more.

Visit LinkedIn’s Marketing Success Hub

The presence of social media in the business world is only growing. Building a strong LinkedIn profile is an important step into the world of social media marketing.